Sunday, June 21, 2009

More of the same

We got our home study update in the mail last week, surprisingly. We were not worried about getting it real quick, we figured she would have it to us by the time we would be ready to travel. We also sent a care package to the baby/orphanage. We used a service in China, , the lady that runs it, Ann, was very helpful. She did call and get us some updated sizes, and pics! Unfortunately the pics were the same ones we already had, :( The care package included a disposable camera, so I'm hoping we will get some new pics anyways. We have no idea if they will use the camera, and if they do, if they will send it to us, or if they will just give it to us when we get there.

Sooooo now we are still waiting. We have a trip to St. Louis in July, and a trip to Atlanta in September, and then Disney World in October. And somewhere in there, hopefully before November, we will be going to China. We're hoping the China trip doesn't overlap any of these other trips, but if our agency calls and tells us a date, we are going!


A little about me..... said...

Hello Ballard Family,

I saw your post on Rumor Queen and wanted to say hello. We also sent in an LOI on 6/8 and got our PA on 6/11. Our daughter is in Taiyuan in the Shanxi Province and she is SN. Hope you receive a quick LOA and TA. I will be watching to see your progress:) Our blog is..

Blessings to your family!

Ashley said...

Hey! I am also on your same time frame. We sent our LOI on June 9th and got PA on the 16th. Our son is in Chendgu, Sichuan Province. He is a heart baby.

Praying that we too will travel by November. It is so hard to have a son half way across the world!

Blessings, ashley