Friday, June 5, 2009


We have a referral! Whats that mean? Well, it means that we reviewed a child's profile, and made visits to several Doctors for some consultation. After reviewing the precious little girl and talking it over with the family we called and told the agency YES! Her name is Dang Ying, she was born(a guess on the orphanages side) August 30, 2007. The bio-kid and the new little one will be about 5 months apart in age, yes, two 2 year olds in the same house. Mommy and daddy may need to start buying box-wine, :) She is currently in Henan province in Pingding Shan City, China. We have a little more paperwork to do now, but we are sooooooo close now(hopefully 4-5 months). I will post some more info later, but had to post SOMETHING to mark the occasion.


RamblingMother said...

Congrats!! How wonderful. I saw you on the FCCMemtn site.

Unknown said...

Congrats! I'd love to hear more about her. We are also in the waiting child program and have a LID of 7/23/2007--we've been waiting nearly 2 years! Ugh!
Email if you can--mkraudy @ verizon (dot) com