Monday, August 10, 2009

We got LOA!!!

Wow, we got our LOA email today, and it will be at the house via Fedex tomorrow!!!!! We can't believe it, we are super excited. I was telling the wife this morning while driving in that I was going to stop obsessing on the LOA and just decide that we will be traveling in Nov/Dec. I was going to cut back on the OCD ritual of all my adoption forums and sites to try and be less anxious and stressed out about this. 63 days from our LOI is amazing, they average LOA is "2-5 months", so we are 2 months and 3 days into it, basically as fast as we could have expected to get it. Now I'm going to go throw-up, :)


Rebekah said...

WOW!!! That was so fast. Congratulations. We are on day 48(from our LID) of waiting for our LOA. We had our PA before we sent our dossier in, so I hope we will be getting ours as quickly as you got yours. Again, congratulations!


Kiy said...


I loved this line: Now I'm going to go throw-up, :)

I remember that feeling, the moment I hung up the phone after getting "the call".

Very exited for you, can't wait to follow your journey.

Cheers, Kiy

P.S. BTW, lurker but first time commenting. I *think* I found you via RQ. Either that or through someone else's blog. We have friends in Memphis (well, Bartlett) and I just had to follow your journey! :)

Riki said...

I'm so excited for you!!!!

Brandi said...

we are another family waiting on our TA. LOA 7/21. I'm not sure where I came across your blog. Our blog is